Community economic empowerment
Community economic empowerment is a global agenda. Different global, regional and national development plans are fashioned to empower communities and strengthen resilience. KIMAS will over the next five years embark on strengthening community capacities to in a bid to raise socio-economic situation among the poor and marginalized communities in Mtwara and Lindi regions.
However, true economic empowerment begins with educating one’s mind and building self-esteem and confidence. On the other hand it is equally important to provide communities with necessary skills and knowledge with which they can generate more income to cater for their family and individual needs. Cognizant of this fact, KIMAS will focus on strengthening economic groups of women, men and youth and improving capacity of entrepreneurs to conduct market research and make business agreements to get better prices.
Poor and marginalized people in target communities will be trained on management and entrepreneurship skills. The organization in collaboration with beneficiaries will facilitate establishment and strengthening of Income Generating Activities (IGAs). Capacity building services will be provided to target people who own income generating activities in order to increase profits. The organization will facilitate establishment of entrepreneurs’ small credit groups such as village community banks to provide members with seed capitals. Community
economic empowerment initiatives by our organization will engage various stakeholders such as successful entrepreneurs, government authorities, individual development actors and financial institutions.
The strategic aim and objectives;
- Strategic Aim : Economic empowerment among poor communities in KIMAS programme areas improved
- Strategic Objective 1: Women, youth and men economic groups strengthened
- Strategic Objective 2: Access to micro-finance services among women, youth and men in target areas improved
- Strategic Objective 3: Capacity of entrepreneurs to conduct market research and make business agreements to get better prices improved