Parents urged to ensure access to good nutrition for children
Teresia Ngonyani, the Social Welfare Officer for Mtwara region, has called on parents and stakeholders to work together to ensure that children have access to good nutrition. This is essential for their health and well-being, and for building a strong nation.
The call was made on January 26, 2024, during a meeting of the National Integrated Program for Early Childhood Care, Development, and Education (PJT-MMMAM) at the TCCIA Hall in Mtwara town.
Ngonyani said that the meeting brought together social welfare officers, development officers, education stakeholders, and nutrition officers. The purpose was to remind them of the program and to plan launch dates at the district and municipal levels.
“The first years of life are crucial for children’s development, and good parenting plays a key role in laying a solid foundation. Therefore, it is important for parents and guardians to focus on good parenting every day. This includes providing good nutrition at all times, in order to build a better generation.” ~ Torai Kibiti, the Project Manager of KIMAS
The community should make it a priority to participate in various government campaigns so that they can achieve their intended goals. Annah Emmanuel, the Social Welfare Officer for Mtwara Mikindani Municipality insisted.
She added that in order to achieve the intended goals of the integrated program for early childhood care, development, and education, the Mtwara community must participate actively to address the challenges and obstacles that children under the age of 0-8 face in their development. KIMAS will continue to spearhead the efforts to make sure there is access to good nutrition for children as the coordinator for Mtoto Kwanza project in Mtwara region.
The PJT-MMMAM program aims to improve the quality of early childhood care, development, and education in Tanzania. It provides a comprehensive approach to early childhood development, including nutrition, health, education, and protection.