Food security and nutrition

Food security and nutrition is of vital importance for the welfare of people in their communities. Therefore a health community is not independent of access to adequate and quality food. Over the five year period KIMAS will strive to facilitate community empowerment initiatives geared toward enhancing food and nutritional security among grassroots communities in targeted areas of Tanzania mainland.

KIMAS will promote commercial farming among peasants. The organization will make deliberate effort to undertake market researches and linkages so that small holder farmers have reliable market access for agricultural produce. Community sensitization meetings will be conducted to encourage cultivation of drought tolerant food crops in order to ensure a constant supply of food throughout a year. Commercial livestock keeping will also be encouraged by the organization through provision of education on best animal husbandry practices.
Over the five-year period KIMAS will strive to accomplish the following strategic aim and objectives


The strategic aim and objectives;

Smart farm
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