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Child Rights Governance

Each and every child has a right to be protected and live in a safe environment for their healthy growth and development. Family members and the rest of community members are responsible for child protection and safety in their areas.

KIMAS will strive to provide the community members with knowledge on child rights and strengthen their capacities to deal with child rights violations. The organization will seek to establish and strengthen child rights protection teams in the community. Capacity building seminars will be conducted to empower child rights protection teams. The teams will be responsible to monitor child rights violation in their communities.

The organization will train local government leaders on child rights protection.

The organization will engage local government leaders serving in different capacities in a bid to sustain child protection and safety among community members. On the other hand the organization will work closely with police gender and children desk in order to rescue abused children and curtail occurrence of the same. The organization will make deliberate effort to address Gender-Based Violence as one of the contributing factors to Violence against Children. The social welfare department and health officials will also be engaged in order to
provide assistance in case of child abuse.

The strategic aim and objectives;

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